List of the potential thematic areas to be funded by the EBF.
Current priorities will concern:
1. All the brain pathologies and dysfunctions linked to the COVID pandemic.
2. The psychological and neurological consequences of the war in Ukraine.
Other important thematic areas are:
• Identification of factors impacting brain development in a positive or negative way (protective, enhancing factors
or on the contrary neurotoxic factors, factors impairing neural maturation).
• Exploration of brain function, brain plasticity, connectome implementation, and of factors impacting these
capacities (from microbiology and electrophysiology to neuropsychology).
• Development of methods to better explore brain connectivity (in particular new neuroimaging and brain activity
recording methods, new mathematical models).
• Better understanding of the pathophysiology of brain disorders.
• Development of projects offering better surrogate models.
• Better identification of genetic and environmental factors linked to brain disorders.
• Better identification of population at risk and of factors of vulnerability.
• Early identification of biomarkers.
• Refinement of clinical assessment.
• Better knowledge of the course of the diseases.
• Development of adequate prevention, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.
• Identification of relevant outcome parameters.
• Identification of the optimal pathways to care.
• Study of all factors limiting the access to care or its continuity.
• Implementation of digital interventions.
• Support to therapeutic innovation (both in terms of disease modifiers, possible genetic intervention as well of
new psycho-social tools).
• Better understanding of the social and economic links between brain disorders and the situation of people at
• Better identification of social, psychological, and cultural determinants in maintaining brain health.
• Better identification of the main disciplines and organisations implicated in the field of brain disorders and brain
health (neurosciences, child and adult psychiatry, child and adult neurology, child and adult neurosurgery, patient
organisations, advocacy groups).
• Better identification of the main public and private partners in the field of brain disorders (at a national and at an
European level).
• Circulation and dissemination of all materials and documents aiming at a better understanding of all the above
mentioned topics linked to brain health.
• Support to fight again stigmatisation of brain conditions.